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People don’t save enough, even when presented with a new product giving far better returns than a bank.


It's no-one's fault, financial terms are overwhelming and the future is abstract and unknowable. The reward system is distant and there's too many current concerns. was started with the promise of changing people’s perceptions of investing in the stock market, with low fees and full control.

Research / UX / testing and design, on my own, in a year and a half. Working with the founder, CTO and developers to create the entire customer experience and design proposition from scratch, highlights include:

  • Thorough, user-driven discovery and research.

  • Proposition testing in large groups.

  • Exploring the behavioural psychology of saving, nudging and rewards.

  • Many rounds of user testing, both face-to-face and remote.

  • Sketching, workshops, multi-channel service design, UX and
    interaction design.


Hopefully something so genuinely lovely to use that it creates a real feeling of safety and empowerment.


Over a few visits people can explore and try it out with no commitment. They can have some fun learning about themselves, their attitude to risk and things like ETFs (don’t worry, me neither).


Finally we gently give people the nudge they need to put some of their spare cash to work - beating the banks’ rates and securing bit more of a financial future. 

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